Bingo Coffee Roasters Inc. 2017
Our Roastery
in sunny South Florida
Very simply, it's LOVE!
For several decades now, our coffee's start and end with a very simple idea... create the optimum taste experience from the worlds freshest beans one roast at a time.
Our founder and President started his professional coffee career in San Juan, Puerto Rico over a decade ago. Always loving coffee, he knew that becoming a trained professional barista would bring him better coffee understanding, and if trained from one of six World Championship Barista Judges, this would be the start of something seriously wonderful. It turns out that his teacher's family also owned a coffee farm in the mountains, and thus the passion for coffee roasting and growing began to expand his vision.
A magnificent flavor explosion would soon consume, and the rest is now history, but he always knew the importance of sharing these experiences and today we are forever grateful.
Consistent great coffee flavor from batch to batch continues to be our success, and this repeated process is never taken for granted.
Today we use automated roaster technology to recreate your favorite coffee beans, while still hand testing each batch daily for bean consistency, color, density, moisture, size, aroma and of course taste.
We believe this hands on approach enables us to create an exclusive product that our customers can always expect. Old school crafting, paired with today's high technology, enabling the wonderful joy's of flavor rich coffee's each and every time you crave a cup.
That's why we say..."Put some LOVE in your Cup!"
South Florida
3574 Lantana Rd.
Lake Worth, Fl 33462
(728) 777-6815 FLORIDA